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NEWS (2021)
December 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Silveyra for being named an ATS Fellow!
Happy holidays from the Silveyra lab team!!!
Dr. Patricia Silveyra to Serve Second Term on Board of Higher Education and Workforce
November 2021
Welcome to the new Silveyra lab postdoctoral fellows!!
* Dr. Carolyn Damilola Ekpruke * Dr. Shikha Sharma
Congratulations to Dr. Silveyra for being featured by the World Laureates Association and presenting her work at the 4th WLF young scientists forum.
October 2021
Congratulations to our summer student Keishla for presenting her work at the SACNAS conference and the APS New Trends in Sex and Gender Medicine meeting.
We had a great time at the pumpkin patch with lab member's families and friends!
September 2021
Dr. Silveyra participates in the GlobalMindED STEM equity event
​August 2021
Welcome to the new Silveyra lab graduate students!!!
Dustin Rousselle (MS in environmental health)
Rachel Alford (MS in environmental health)
Maksat Babayev (PhD in environmental health)
July 2021
Congratulations Keishla on submitting your abstract
to SACNAS!! You are going to love the conference!
Dr. Silveyra receives an R01 award from NHLBI!!!
June 2021
Welcome to our summer intern Keishla Colón Montañez!
Keishla is a premed student at the University of Chicago. She is originally from Puerto Rico.
We are excited to work with you!
Congratulations to Dr. Rodriguez Bauza on starting residency training!!!
May 2021
Dr. Silveyra chairs virtual sessions at two national meetings:
Organization for the Study of Sex Differences annual meeting
"Sex and Gender Differences in E-cigarette Use and Toxicity"
American Thoracic Society annual meeting
"Sex as a vital biological variable in lung disease
across the lifespan"
April 2021
Check out Dr. Rodriguez Bauza's minireview on sex differences in exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Congratulations!
Congratulations to former Silveyra lab member Dr. Nathalie Fuentes on her new positions as Respiratory Microbiome Scientist at AstraZeneca. We are so excited for you!!!!
March 2021
Lots of good news!!!
Dr. Silveyra's book "Sex-based differences in lung physiology" is now published!
Check out our latest publication on miRNA biomarkers for severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia in extremely preterm infants. Congrats to the teams at PSU, UNC, and IU!
Congratulations to our former trainees for matching into residency programs! You all rock!!
February 2021
We welcome Dr. Miguel Silva Rodriguez to the Silveyra lab! We are excited to work with you!
Congratulations to former Silveyra lab member Deborah Montes for obtaining an associate scientist position at MedPharm!!!
January 2021
We are excited to join the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at Indiana University School of Public Health!!

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