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NEWS (2022)
December 2022
We had a great time watching together the soccer world cup final game!!!
Congratulations to Dr. Silveyra on receiving tenure at IUB!!!
November 2022
Congratulations to our doctoral student Maksat Babayev on publishing a book chapter titled "Role of non-coding RNAs in lung cancer" - check it out here:
Congratulations to Dr. Dami Ekpruke on getting a commentary published on "Airway remodeling in asthma" - read it here:
Our lab was well-represented at the Girls Inc. gala!! Thanks, everyone for attending!!!!
October 2022
We attended the SACNAS meeting in Puerto Rico. Congratulations to Keishla on her poster presentation!!!
Our MS student and colony manager Rachel Alford attended a Workshop on Colony Management and Biomethods at The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine, sponsored by HHMI and the Anthony D. Pantaleoni Endowment funds.​
September 2022
PhD student Maksat Babayev attended a workshop on “Techniques in Modeling Human Cancer in Mice” at The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine.
Congratulations to Drs. Silveyra and Commodore for receiving a Diversity Supplement from NHLBI!!
We celebrated national postdoc appreciation week!!!
August 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Silveyra for being named interim chair of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
July 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Silveyra for being named the IUB inaugural Anthony D. Pantaleoni Eminent Scholar
June 2022
Congratulations to our postdoc Dr. Shikha Sharma on being featured by the international chapter of Graduate Women in Science!!!
We welcomed our summer interns Praveen and Keishla!!!!! Thank you Dustin and Rachel for the great orientation session!!
Congratulations to our Graduate Student Maksat Babayev on passing his candidacy exam!!!!
May 2022
Dr. Silveyra, along with Dr. Commodore and Dr. Owora (our lab collaborators) represented our school and department at the American Thoracic Society Meeting in San Francisco. Huge congratulations to Dr. Commodore on her presentation award!! We also got reunited with former Silveyra lab member Dr. Nathalie Fuentes!!
Dr. Silveyra attended the New Voices in Science, Engineering and Medicine meeting second cohort meeting in DC. She serves as co-chair and group leader for a second term. Congratulations!
Our lab and school were well represented at the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences meeting in Los Angeles! Congratulations to Rachel on her poster presentation and Dr. Silveyra on her two sessions!
April 2022
Congratulations to our postdoc Dr. Dami Ekpruke on her first publication with us!!
Ekpruke et al. "Sex Differences in Airway Remodeling and Inflammation: Clinical and Biological Factors"
Congratulations to Dr. SIlveyra for being selected for the IUB Distinguished Service award!!!
Congratulations to our graduate student Maksat Babayev for obtaining a scholarship to attend the Workshop on Techniques in Modeling Human Cancer in Mice at The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, ME next September!!!
We had so much fun visiting IUPUI and learning about our peers at the Pulmonary and Critical Care Division Research Retreat!
Congratulations to Dr. Roopa Siddaiah and Dr. Miguel Silva Rodriguez on their publications with the Silveyra lab!
Siddaiah et al. "Early Salivary miRNA Expression in Extreme Low Gestational Age Newborns"
Silva Rodriguez et al. "Air Pollution Exposure as a Relevant Risk Factor for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations in Male and Female Patients"
We attended the Experimental Biology meeting in Philadelphia. Congratulations to Maksat and Keishla on their poster presentations, and to Keishla on her Undergraduate Award!!!
We are so proud of you!!!!
March 2022
We had a great time attending the 2022 Society of Toxicology meeting in San Diego. Congratulations to all presenters!
Congratulations to Rachel for receiving a Travel Award from the IU Graduate and Professional Student Government to attend the SOT meeting!!
Happy international women's day!
We had a great time volunteering at of Bloomington!!
January 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Silveyra for being featured as a mentor at IUB!


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