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NEWS (2019)
December 2019
Dr. Silveyra receives $10,000 UNC Junior Faculty Development Award
November 2019
Dr. Silveyra is interviewed by Telemundo at the SACNAS conference
October 2019
Dr. Silveyra attends the Science and Technology in Society forum in Japan
September 2019
Dr. Nathalie Fuentes featured in Penn State Alumni Magazine
August 2019
Dr. Silveyra delivers keynote lecture at Gordon Research Conference
July 2019
Heba Al Housseiny, a biochemistry undergraduate student, joins the Silveyra lab as a student researcher. Welcome, Heba!!!
The Silveyra lab hosts Biobuilder workshop for the third summer in a row
Dr. Nathalie Fuentes joins the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH for a postdoctoral fellowship. Congratulations Nathalie!!
June 2019
The Silveyra lab welcomes two new members: Jose Bermudez, and Deborah Montes. Welcome to the lab!!!
May 2019
Happy graduation day to Dr. Nathalie Fuentes!!!

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