Sex and gender research resources
Offices and Institutes
* NIH office of research on women's health (ORWH)
* Canadian Institute of Gender and Health (CIHR)
Professional societies and groups
* Organization for the study of sex differences (OSSD)
* American Physiological Society, Sex/Gender Research Interest Group
* Sex and gender women's health collaborative (SGWHC)
* Stanford University Gendered innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering, and Environment
* Bench to Bedside: Integrating Sex and Gender to Improve Human Health Course, by the NIH ORWH
* The Science of Sex & Gender in Human Health, by the NIH ORWH
* Sex and Gender Training Modules, by the CIHR
* Gender, Sex and Health Research Casebook, by the CIHR
* Sex and Gender Specific Health Learning Modules, by Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Laura W. Bush Institute for Women’s Health.
*APS Sex/Gender Difference Medical Education Symposium: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
* Do you know the sex of your cells?
* When is a sex difference not a sex difference?
* Reporting Sex, Gender, or Both in Clinical Research?
* Strategies and Methods for Research on Sex Differences in Brain and Behavior
* Strategies and Methods to Study Sex Differences in Cardiovascular Structure and Function
* Why Women's Health Can't Wait - Connors Center Report
* Consideration of Sex Differences in Medicine to Improve Health Care and Patient Outcomes
* Sex and Gender Medical Education Summit Proceedings
* Sex and Gender Equity in Research: rationale for the SAGER guidelines and recommended use
* Sex Differences in the Brain: The Not So Inconvenient Truth (figures below)
Useful data
* Human hormone levels - original article with table
* Mouse hormone levels - article with table
Menstrual cycle
Standard Male and Female Hormone Level Ranges
Source: Massachusetts General Hospital, New England Journal of Medicine. (N Engl J Med 2004;351:1548-63). These ranges represent normal values for people not receiving any kind of hormone therapy. Levels achieved during appropriate transgender hormone therapy may or may not match these ranges. Note: the word “menstruating” in the table means, old enough so that menses has begun, but before menopause — it doesn’t necessarily mean during the actual days of monthly flow.
* A Handbook of Environmental Toxicology (D'Mello, 2019)
* Sex and Gender Factors Affecting Metabolic Homeostasis, Diabetes and Obesity (Mauvais-Jarvis, 2017)
* Gender, Sex Hormones and Respiratory Disease (Hemnes, 2016)
* Sex and Gender Differences in Infection and Treatments for Infectious Diseases (Klein, 2015)
* Sex and Gender Differences in Pharmacology (Regitz-Zagrosek, 2012)
* Sex Hormones and Immunity to Infection (Klein, 2010)
* Addressing sex and gender in epidemic-prone infectious diseases (WHO, 2007)
* Respiratory Diseases in Women (Buist and Mapp, 2003)
* Gender Biology: Men and Women Really Are Different
* Science, sex, and gender: transgender and intersex women
Blogs from our lab members
* Ashley Weaver: A summer of asthma research
* Rachel Steckbeck: Sex differences in asthma
* Nathalie Fuentes: When hormones take your breath away
* Nathalie Fuentes: Why does air pollution affect more women than men?
Press releases featuring our work
* Studying the effects of air pollution on fertility - All4women
* There's Ozone in the Air We Breathe and It's Messing Us Up, Study Warns - Softpedia News
* Ozone air pollution could harm women’s fertility: A Study - Women Fitness
* Air Pollution Affects Women’s Fertility - Press From
* Infertility and air pollution - Affectional Pharmacopeia
* Women’s fertility could be at risk from air-pollution - Mindfood
* Science Says: Ozone Air Pollution Can Harm Female Fertility - Zliving
* Ozone air pollution could harm women's fertility - ScienceDaily
* Ozone air pollution could impact fertility - PSU News
* Gender and COVID-19 Working Group (Google group, open to anyone)
* NIH LitCovid: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/research/coronavirus
* Gur, R. E., White, L. K., Waller, R., et al. (2020). The Disproportionate Burden of the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Pregnant Black Women. Psychiatry Research, 293, 113475.
* Pinna, G. (2021). Sex and COVID-19: A Protective Role for Reproductive Steroids. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, 32(1), 3–6.
* Takahashi, T., & Iwasaki, A. (2021). Sex differences in immune responses. Science, 371(6527), 347–348.
* Diverse Voices: COVID-19, Intersectionality, and the Health of Women | talk | slides